- Taking a journey to knowing God -

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The Gospel from Your Head to Your Heart

- twelve nuggets of truth dug carefully
from the Bible

- molded, with God's help, to your own life

Faith in these truths will enrich you beyond
your wildest dreams - for this world
- and the next!



We all need to know God, for there will always come a time in our lives when we need him, especially at the end of our life, which could be anytime. But knowing God also awakens our spirit, releases us from condemnation, and makes our lives really mean something. He can also give us the strength to live a new life, loving him and others as much as ourselves. It may be simple, but it can change our world!

Now for the journey... Check out the Gospel points below, and ask yourself what they make you think and feel, and then pray and ask God put his thoughts in your mind...

TWELVE POINTS - click on this heading, and on the numbers, for related Bible verses, and slideshow images which you can copy. (right click and save)

1. God made everything, and is everywhere; he is a Spirit
2. God is love. He wants to care for us as his dear children.* He gives us power to choose Him.
3. But people wanted their own way, and turned their backs on God. So the Devil has been able to have his way with us all
4. God sent his dear son Jesus to earth, to be born human, and grow up just as we do. He had a plan to be able to help us
5. Jesus showed he was God by the powerful miracles he did for love; and by how totally good he was
6. Jesus was unjustly ordered to be killed by jealous people, but he came to life again after three days in the grave
7. Wise people around the world had said these things would happen (especially in the Bible)

8. When we die, Jesus will know and judge what we are like. But none of us are good enough for heaven where only love exists
9. But when Jesus died unjustly on the Roman cross, he accepted the punishment for all of us. So when we sadly admit to him that we've done many things wrong, he can forgive us
10. When we ask, God will help us change the way we think (repent), as we admit the things we’ve done wrong
11. He teaches us good and right ways to behave; and He gives us inner strength to love him and each other
12. We become a member of God's family, his church. He will care for us, and we will all be together in heaven with him forever
We can apply these to our

- Learning with our
5 senses, (conception
to infant)
- Learning from the
family (toddler)
- Learning to com-
municate (4-7 years)
- Learning about all
creation (8-11 yrs)
- Learning about
ourselves (puberty)
- Training for work
(young adult)
- Occupation, work
(career & adult life)
- Retirement (voluntary
work, peace and rest)
- click on all blue/purple lettering for scripture references and personal application ideas

Now, we Christians sometimes say about the Bible: "I know it in my head, but not in my heart". It is a western trait to believe that knowing something is enough... But we need to fully apply the Good News Jesus gave us, to our whole lives, for it to really change us... This is why Christians can be a disappointment to each other, and to those who don't know God for themselves. Check the Gospel points above, and if they don’t feel totally real to you, it will help to ask yourself what they make you think and feel, and then to pray and ask God to show you what they mean to your life, in all its stages.

The reason is that the things we learn in our earliest years from those around us, seem real to us, but may not be the truth as God made it. We may need to reprogram those early stages of thinking.
This needs three steps.

(i) Start at the growth stage you are at, and think about how each Gospel point is important to you right now. Record this in a blank notebook - pictures too if you like.
(ii)Then consider how this makes you feel, then
(iii) ask God to put His ideas in your mind.
It's great to share this together with caring people – it is ideal for small groups. Now work through the stages of your life, writing again how each point makes you think and feel. Then ask God to show you things He wants you to know. Be open to Him showing some deep and powerful things that have affected you, and be prepared to ask for good counselling support, to help you dig out any faulty thinking, or misbeliefs, that are making life difficult for you.

If you are new to the Bible, you could then get more basic Bible knowledge before going too deep, and later, you could research the gifts and tasks God has for people. It does need to be shared with others, because building loving relationships is what God is all about!

If there is a particular Gospel point that stands out - it could be worth going back through the stages of your life, applying this and other points to each life stage, in the same way. It may take time, but will change the rest of your life into eternity - it has to be worth it!

      I’ve been a Christian since 1965, after watching Billy Graham on TV while babysitting, but until I worked with this program, deep down God’s good news still didn’t feel real – even after I experienced real miracles!
     Then I did a course: “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement”, and I found that our view of reality is formed in our earliest years, and I needed to change mine to what I now knew was the truth.
     My teaching experience showed how our minds develop, and it came to me to reprogram the memory of those years – remembering Jesus was there too, but I just didn’t know at the time... And it did become real!
     So now I pray it will work for you too, taking the Gospel from your head to your heart….
In Jesus’ wonderful Name! Amen!

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