Deb Burton

Finding your passion is about finding out what you really care about. Some people go through life and never know what that is - perhaps they're too busy living out other people's goals, or just too busy to stop and think. But life is not just about earning a crust of bread - that's just existence. Life is about doing what you love, and what you are good at, because it gives you a kick to see changes happening around you. This is what drives passion, and passion is the force that drives you, so finding your passion is the basis of what you need to get motivated, and your perseverance... From this, you can find the medium term plans which express your passion, and your short term day-by-day goals. And putting them together, you get measurable achievement, and good success............

To define your passion is to discover it: so read through the thoughts below, then go over them again and make notes about what each point means to you. Combine feelings with actions, activities with areas of enterprise, impossible dreams with actual abilities. Are they so impossible after all? What you can imagine really doing, is sometimes what you should be doing. Why not set higher goals? Much of the enjoyment of life, after all, is the journeys we make.

Read, clarify - then write your passion down.
Then you can begin to shape your long and short term goals, with a much greater chance of success.

Passion is:-

- your heart
- something you'd talk about all night
- something you want to be remembered for
- what you'd most like to do for others
- what you'd do if success was guaranteed
- things which most concern you
- the ultimate to raise your enthusiasm
- what gives you the most meaningful experiences
- what will give you your greatest drive to succeed
- something that takes you out of yourself
- It makes you bigger than life
- it makes you attractive, good to be around
- it's good for others and yourself
- the opposite of mediocrity - and a life of "quiet desperation" [Thoreau]
- you've often taken knocks in this area yourself
- you've often had successes in this area also
- something you'll buy into until your last breath
- something you'd take your greatests risks for
- something that no matter how many knockbacks you get, you'll keep getting up and doing it, until you can't get up any more, because you can't help yourself
- your life's purpose

More ideas? Feel free to contact me with comments and further suggestions to add to this page. Use the form on my homepage. Enjoy the journey...
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